welcome to my blog!

Hello! What's written in here are pure thoughts of mine and are originally made by me. Please do enjoy my articles (my outburst expression of myself). Thank you. God bless everyone!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

an award? i took it? can't believe it! whaaah!

happily, I received an award today. Sad because i really didn't feel that i should have gotten it. i even fell not going up in that stage and taking it. BOOM! i fell like a marginalized bu*tard. what a woord.but indeed i really felt it. but hen it's okay, seeing and hearing that numbers of JOURNALISM students are on TOP. most of my classmates have an award--and i am SO PROUD OF THEM! mwah! mwah! anyways, they win is my win :P
or so I thought( the assuming me).
also in this event in L.A. jaime and his company ask me to be their photographer--hehe (i got their pictures).
so happy me :)))
God bless everyone :))

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